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Kung Fu Curriculum

Videos of all your current material, level-specific home workouts, necessary paperwork, and supplementary information.

(Additional classes and workouts are only available to current Unlimited Members)

Tai Chi Curriculum

Brief run-throughs of the forms and information for each sash level.

(Additional classes and workouts are only available to current Unlimited Members)

Online Video Courses

More in-depth courses for different aspect of the Shaolin arts.

Please go to the Shaolin Arts online page to purchase these courses.

Shaolin 1-Month Intro

Get started down the path of Shaolin martial arts with this Introduction series, featuring the basics of stances, Shaolin Kung Fu, self-defense, and Tai Chi!

Tai Chi - Yang 64 - 1st Road

Learn the first section or "road" of our Yang style 64-posture form, one posture at a time, in this 10-video series filmed on a mango grove in South Florida .

Tai Chi - Grasp the Sparrow's Tail

Dig deep into the 4 main energies of Tai Chi: ward off, roll back, press together, and push, collectively known as Grasp the Sparrow's Tail.

Tai Chi - Yang Style 64 Posture Form - Completion

Move through the final 3 sections of the Yang 64 posture form with these detailed training videos.

Tai Chi - 24 Posture Form - 1st Road

Learn the 1st road of the standard 24 posture tai chi form.

Strength and Focus

This 4-week program is designed to help you calm your nervous system, manage stress, focus your energy, connect your strength, and build mindfulness.

Optional Forms

These are videos for forms seen in workshops or as optional forms at certain black belt levels.